Gabon/ Législatives 2023 : Et si Sylvain Ombindha Talheywa III se portait candidat à la députation ?
Leader d’opinion de renom ; l’une des icônes du front social gabonais, Sylvain OMBINDHA TALHEYWA III, Président du Syndicat des Professionnels des Impôts (SPI) et Secrétaire Général Porte-parole de la Fédération des Collecteurs des Régies Financières (FECOREFI), pourrait se porter candidat aux élections législatives de 2023 au 3ème Arrondissement de la Commune de Libreville. Son rayonnement, son charisme et la force de proposition dont il a toujours fait montre dans l’arène syndicale, suscitent de l’admiration au cœur de son bastion Politique.
Les appels du pied de ses soutiens se multiplient à son égard afin de le pousser à se présenter à la prochaine députation. Bref, ses nombreux admirateurs voient lui leur prochain député…
Sylvain OMBINDHA TALHEYWA III, fait partie des jeunes élites du pays. Il est Ingénieur en stratégie financière et Inspecteur des Impôts. De par son expérience, Il a suffisamment d’atouts pour mobiliser, fédérer et engranger le maximum de suffrages s’il venait à se positionner sur les starting-blocks des législatives à venir. En témoignent ses alliés. Par ailleurs, ce potentiel candidat aura fait ses preuves au niveau du front social grâce à la pertinence de ses propos, l’intransigeance de ses principes mais surtout son engagement et sa détermination. Ses états de services lui valent le mérite du respect que lui témoignent les plus hautes autorités de la République.
Il ferait donc un bon député ! Pour ceux qui ignorent ses exploits, pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire, il faut rappeler que c’est grâce à sa franchise que certains points qui constituaient des nœuds gordiens dans les rapports entre les partenaires sociaux et les autorités ministérielles, ont pu connaître des avancées significatives. Depuis janvier 2021, le Gouvernement a régularisé plusieurs situations administratives des agents des Régies Financières, et ce, grâce à son leadership. Le Parti (CLR) dont il milite gagnerait à prêter une attention à cette énergie mise à son service.
Valéry M/Peuple Infos.
Gabon/ Legislative 2023 : What if Sylvain Ombindha Talheywa III was a candidate for deputy ?
Renowned opinion leader ; one of the icons of the Gabonese social front, Sylvain OMBINDHA TALHEYWA III, President of the Union of Tax Professionals (SPI) and Secretary General Spokesperson of the Federation of Collectors of Financial Authorities (FECOREFI), could stand as a candidate legislative elections of 2023 in the 3rd Arrondissement of the Commune of Libreville. His influence, his charisma and the force of proposal which he has always shown in the union arena, arouse admiration in the heart of his political bastion.
The calls from the foot of his supporters are multiplying towards him in order to push him to present himself to the next deputation. in short, his many admirers see him as their next deputy…
Sylvain OMBINDHA TALHEYWA III, is one of the young elites of the country. He is a Financial Strategy Engineer and Tax Inspector. From his experience, he has enough assets to mobilize, federate and garner the maximum number of votes if he were to position himself on the starting blocks of the legislative elections to come. Witness his allies. moreover, this potential candidate will have proven himself on the social front thanks to the relevance of his words, the intransigence of his principles but above all his commitment and his determination. his record of service earned him the merit of the respect shown to him by the highest authorities of the Republic.
He would therefore make a good deputy. for those who are unaware of his exploits, to refresh your memory, it is necessary to remember that it is thanks to his frankness that certain points which constituted Gordian knots in the relations between the social partners and the ministerial authorities, were able to experience progress significant.
Since January 2021, the Government has regularized several administrative situations of agents of the Financial Authorities, thanks to its leadership. The CLR of which he is an activist, would benefit from paying attention to this energy put at its service.
Valéry M / People Infos.